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Preverisk Group, Official Sponsor of ABTA's Travel Risk Management Training Day

At Preverisk Group, we are proud to be an official sponsor of the ABTA training day on health, safety and security risk management in travel, which will be held on 11 February 2025 in London. Over the…

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Compensación de Huella de Carbono

Qué es y cómo un plan efectivo puede ayudarte a cumplir con las normativas y destacar en el mercado.En Preverisk Group, entendemos que la sostenibilidad ya no es solo una opción, sino una necesidad.…

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20 years of Preverisk Group

Today, we celebrate a very special milestone! Preverisk Group turns 20, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this journey with you. Over the past two decades, we have grown, learned, and transformed,…

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Día Mundial del Turismo

Actúa Ahora: Acciones Responsables para un Futuro SostenibleEl Día Mundial del Turismo es una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre la importancia de la sostenibilidad en este sector, crucial para la protección…

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H2Otel: La clave para un 30% menos de consumo de agua

Recientemente, Mireia Delgado, Bussines Director de Preverisk Group, participó en el programa Cinc Dies del canal IB3 para hablar sobre H2Otel, un innovador servicio que promete revolucionar la gestión…

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Actualización del RD 487/2022 en la prevención de Legionella: ¿Está su empresa preparada?

El reciente Real Decreto 614/2024 ha introducido cambios significativos en las normativas de prevención y control de legionelosis en España. Esta actualización, en consonancia con el Real Decreto 487/2022,…

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Celebramos el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos

En Preverisk Group, nos llena de orgullo conmemorar el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos este 7 de junio. Esta fecha es una oportunidad crucial para recordar la importancia de trabajar colectivamente…

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Invierta en la higiene, salud y seguridad de sus clientes: Prevenga riesgos.

En el mundo del turismo, los destinos más bellos suelen ofrecer experiencias inolvidables, pero también pueden presentar riesgos que afectan la seguridad y la salud de los viajeros. Por esa razón, es…

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Preverisk Group is featured in the Nature Positive Travel & Tourism report prepared by Animondial

We are thrilled to announce that Preverisk Group has been featured as one of the case studies in the groundbreaking report, "Nature Positive Travel & Tourism in Action”.“Nature Positive Travel…

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H2OTEL: Compartiendo experiencias, compartiendo datos

El pasado 24 de abril de 2024 se ha llevado a cabo la primera sesión de trabajo del proyecto H2OTEL. Este modelo implementado por Preverisk Group tiene como objetivo la medición, comparación, monitorización…

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Preverisk and FNIH join forces to strengthen quality and safety in the Moroccan hotel industry

We are pleased to announce the signing of a framework agreement between Preverisk and FNIH, the Federation Nationale de l'Industrie Hotelier. This partnership represents a significant step in the promotion…

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Preverisk contributes again to the revision of ABTA Tourism Accommodation Health & Safety Technical Guide 2023

We are proud to announce that we have once again participated in the review of the prestigious ABTA Tourism Accommodation Health & Safety Technical Guide 2023. This opportunity allows us to contribute…

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H2Otel: measuring, comparing, and monitoring for water consumption reduction

The H2Otel project, driven by Preverisk, is an advanced pilot project aimed at reducing water consumption in hotels. It is being carried out in 11 hotels in Mallorca and Menorca, in collaboration with…

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Highlights from the Global Sustainable Tourism Conference 2023

The Global Sustainable Tourism Conference (GSTC) brought together industry professionals and experts from around the world in Antalya, Turkey. The conference focused on sustainable practices in resort…

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ABTA: Towards a responsible and sustainable tourism.

The recent conference hosted by the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) addressed crucial topics highlighting the need to transform the tourism industry towards more responsible and sustainable…

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Participamos en el X Congrés Nacional de Legionel·la i Qualitat Ambiental

La vocación innovadora de Preverisk y su ‘ADN’ de base científica son indiscutibles, en tanto que la empresa dedica hasta el 5% de su presupuesto a I+D+i y el 80% de sus trabajadores proceden de…

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Preverisk al lado de la celiaquía

Este 2023 estamos colaborando de manera voluntaria con la Asociación de Celíacos de las Islas Baleares (ACIB). Damos formaciones, en nombre de la ACIB, a los restaurantes que quieran estar acreditados,…

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"Clean is Quality", an excellent complement to establishments’ Health & Safety programmes

Have you already heard about “Clean is Quality”? This service consists of validating (by way of monthly auditing), the quality compliance of standards throughout various hotel operational areas.…

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Sustainability, Big Data and innovation. Find out more about our event: "Safe and more sustainable destinations".

Our International Managers’ Convention took place on the24 January. This year the theme was “Next Preverisk” regarding innovation, sustainability and safety in the tourism sector. At the convention…

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Tourism in Spain aspires to be a sustainability leader: A key message from Travel Weekly’s “Sustainability Summit”

On the 24th November, the “Sustainability Summit”, organised by Travel Weekly, was held. Our president and technical director, Esteban Delgado, participated in the discussion panel, along with Pedro…

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Preverisk Group and DERTOUR Group join forces for animal welfare and sustainable tourism

In 2023, Preverisk Group and DERTOUR Group joined forces to offer safe, high-quality travel experiences that prioritise animal welfare in some of the world's most beautiful tourist destinations.DERTOUR…

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Interview with Antonio Canto, Quality Assurance Senior Manager at Amstar: Behind the challenge and towards future projects.

‘An added value is the fact that we are able to design a tailor-made programme in which there is accompaniment so that the provider can improve and address the findings. This has been a key factor for…

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Tour operator TUI and Preverisk have teamed up on a project that will streamline Health, Safety and Sustainability processes. Sustainability will protect tourists more efficiently thanks to a visualization…

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HM Hotels is a Mediterranean chain with presence in the Caribbean that has decided to deepen its commitment to sustainable tourism. sustainable tourism and does it hand in hand with us with the project…

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Preverisk joined forces with Cape Verde’s Ministry of Tourism to regain confidence and reactivate the destination following the pandemic.

The partnership between Preverisk and Cape Verde’s Ministry of Tourism was formed to create safe conditions across all of the Cape Verde islands, offering a health seal of approval to tourism…

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Preverisk developed an e-learning platform for the Egyptian Tourism Federation during the pandemic to provide training.

During the pandemic technology faced a new challenge, to speed up all aspects of tourism’s digital transformation. In this instance, to promote self-training. The Egyptian Tourism Federation (ETF)…

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The European “WatSavereuse” project to reduce tourists’ overall water consumption whilst on holiday.

Preverisk Group collaborated on the European project 'Wat'Savereuse', to raise the tourism sector’s awareness with regards to saving and reusing water and promoting a circular economy…

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