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We’ll help you launch your sustainable corporate identity

"More than 70% of tourists opt for sustainable hotels rather than those that are not"

More and more tourists are supporting a more sustainable way of life. They want leisure travel which does not impact the planet, but instead contributes to the conservation of our ecosystems. Mission impossible? Not if they choose a sustainable option when travelling. In short, if your hotel is sustainable this will greatly influence tourists’ decisions.

In the same way, more and more hotels are looking for tourists who are aware of and committed to sustainability. It's a match made in heaven! Both have the same commitment: Tourists who are looking for a hotel that makes it possible to travel in a sustainable way and vice versa.

Therefore, give your customers another reason to choose you:

Communicate it as it deserves to be!

  1. Create a good storytelling that defines you.
  2. Get them to recognise your new sustainable image
  3. Publish it on your website and RRSS.
  4. Your guests need to know ALL about your commitment.
  5. Use specialised media to “shout it out”.

Carrying out a Sustainability project involves a lot of hard work by the operational team and lots of our clients ask for us to help them communicate it.

Add a communication strategy to your Sustainability project with the help of our Marketing experts.

  1. Make an impact on your main interest groups. 
  2. Add value to your initiatives with a communication plan.
  3. Learn to explain technical terms in a simple and effective way

Make your achievements, actions and all that effort visible: TELL THE WORLD!


Preverisk Group is featured in the Nature Positive Travel & Tourism report prepared by Animondial

We are thrilled to announce that Preverisk Group has been featured as one of the case studies in the groundbreaking report, "Nature Positive Travel & Tourism in Action”.“Nature Positive Travel…

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Let us tell you more about how we do it

Do you have doubts? Do you need a quote? We want to help you with your project. Contact us and let's start collaborating.

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